Heaven & Earth
Heaven & Earth Church is passionate about the ‘go’ in gospel!
God is always on the move and His Spirit is always flowing. He is always ready to make Himself known and we have the privilege to be the carriers of His glory into all the world! Missions are encounters with Jesus to a lost and dying world. God’s transformative power is available to every person and by the authority of Jesus Christ we can walk in the demonstration of the power of His Spirit with signs and wonders!
of HE Church Missions
Preaching the Gospel
Hearing and believing in the wonderful news of Jesus Christ is a radical moment of transformation available for every person on earth!
Equipping the Saints
We strive to establish healthy churches that empower people to step into their God-given destinies and become fully alive in Christ.
Serving our Communities
As believers, we are empowered and commissioned to be an encounter of the Father’s love to a lost and dying world.
of our Partnership
Your partnership will finance the spreading of the gospel by enabling us to provide: salaries for our 36 pastors and 4 teachers, food for the learners and families in dire need, cups and plates for the schools (children must share at this point), rent for churches and school buildings, capital to build buildings for schools and churches in the villages, life costs for abandoned children (now adopted by some of our leaders), a transformation centre for training in skills to make a living, travelling expenses for leaders and teams to train, care and raise-up the people and leaders at various locations, and so much more! Partners and investors like you are part of the movement God is establishing in Africa and all over the world. We invite you to prayerfully consider becoming a monthly partner or making a once-off contribution of any amount. If you have purposed so in your heart, please select your preferred option below:

Door to Door Ministry
We desire to connect with the local people and meet them where they are. By ministering the gospel with signs and miracles following from door to door word spreads quickly to friends and family and soon many new members are welcomed into the family of God.
Feeding Programs
One of our HE schools demonstrated how $180 per month is enough to feed their 300 learners a simple meal of Likuni Phala. Not only do we desire to alleviate hunger, but through targeted missions, we desire to teach and train our communities how to live sustainably.
HE Clinics
We desire to send local and international teams to support our Heaven & Earth Church Clinics in Malawi by helping as volunteers, serving the staff, and praying for the sick. These clinics help the people in our communities who have difficulty accessing basic health care services.
Community Upliftment
When mission teams are sent out, we desire that they always bring the transformative power of the gospel to everyone they encounter while bringing relief in disasters and aiding in the provision of the physical needs of people.
HE Schools
HE Church missions support local schools by serving the staff, learners, and their families through sharing the gospel, volunteer work, playing and praying, and bringing school supplies and sports equipment.
And more...
Our missions are targeted in various ways from holding large-scale crusades to door-to-door ministry and relief work to leadership training. Every effort is made to bring the transformative power of the love of God to people and establish them in healthy local churches.
HE Church Missions
Get in touch with the
HE Church Missions Team
Get in touch with us! Whether you want to know more about us, or you are wondering how to become a redeemed son or daughter of the glorious God Almighty – we want to talk!
10 Gateway Centre, R43, Main road, Hermanus, 7200
Mon – Thurs, 09:00-16:00
Sunday Celebration 09:30
“The harvest is huge and ripe! But there are not enough harvesters to bring it all in. As you go, plead with the Owner of the Harvest to thrust out many more reapers to harvest his grain!” (Matt 9:37-38, TPT, emphasis added)